We could not believe how much Avary LOVED being in the bath. She was a natural swimmer. The second she hit the water, she would kick and wiggle and splash. I decided to put her in the bath with me (rather than her infant tub over the kitchen sink) so she could really go wild. It was amazing! I held the back of her head, and that chubby little body would float while her arms and legs just splashed around like you wouldn't believe!
Before Avary was born, Mat and I agreed to take turns on diaper changes, me, then him, then me - we figured this would avoid any undue arguments - even though neither of us really had a problem with that particular chore.
Once our little girl arrived our agreement kind of went out the window. Mat - being the sweet guy he is basically took over diaper duty - and I wasn't about to complain.
One night I became a bit annoyed when he insisted that I change Avary's diaper. I didn't mind - at all - but it bothered me that he was refusing to relieve our tiny baby of her wet bum. I carried my little A into her room and placed her on the change table. I unzipped her pink pajamas and as I pulled apart the snaps on her gerber onsie - I could not help the ear to ear smile that came across my face. My sweet husband.
This moment reminded me - don't be so quick to get annoyed, your husband may just be trying to let you know how much he loves you.
Avary's blessing day was very intimate, with only family and close friends invited.
She was lucky enough to share the day with her cousin Davis, and to be blessed by her grandpa Mark.
I didn't know until everyone had gone home, but Mat's mom had brought with her a couple of Native American blessings. She decided not to read them, and just gave them to Mat before leaving. I thought it was very sweet of her to prepare these, and still love to read them over from time to time.
Pueblo blessing
Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.
Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.
Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.
Cherokee prayer blessing
May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your house.
May the great spirit bless all who enter there.
May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows,
and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder.
These two sweeties loved to nap together!
Avary lifted her head up for the first time on Nov 28th
A Beatles fan - even back then.
Two days before Thanksgiving, Avary refused to eat and kept screaming. She just wasn't being herself and nothing I did seemed to soothe her. Finally Mat and I decided to take her to the ER. Just to be safe. When we got there, she had a slightly elevated temperature and since she was less than two months old, the doctors were concerned. Her blood was drawn, and the wait began. Finally when the results came back, we were notified that Avary's white blood cell count was high - which indicated meningitis. Having had meningitis as an infant (not that I remember - but I've been told) and having gone through a meningitis scare at age 20, I knew what this meant. Now we were into it deep. The next steps included a catheter (which had to be repeated multiple times) and a spinal tap (that took THREE tries to get right!). I could hardly stand to be in the room. My poor little girl. Spinal taps are scary even for adults. She was way too tiny to have to go through this. I wanted so badly to protect her - or at least be strong for her. It took everything I had to keep my tears in as I held my baby down to the table. She couldn't understand. She didn't know that these strangers with needles were only trying to help her. Mat and I kissed her little hands and feet, and snuggled her in between each attempt at the crucial test. Finally enough fluid was extracted and it was time to wait. And wait. And wait. Finally the results came back. Inconclusive.
Since Avary had not yet reached the 2 month mark, the time when infants are strong enough to survive most illnesses, the doctors suggested that she be admitted, and given medication to treat meningitis - just in case. We were in no way willing to take chances on our little girl, so we agreed.
Once settled in her room, Avary was hooked up to every machine possible. She just lay there, like she new it wasn't even an option to squirm, and wiggle as she was used to. We were notified that only one parent was allowed to stay over night. As I was still breastfeeding, it made sense that I be the one to stay (not that I would be willing to leave if I weren't). While we dreaded the time when visiting hours would end, Mat decided to get some rest on the tiny extra firm 'sleeper' chair, and I tried my best to lift A from her 'crib' and feed her. Breastfeeding was tricky enough without IVs and wires running everywhere - Avary began to cry. I began to cry. I could't do this alone. I needed Mat to stay with me. So I 'slept' in the rocking chair. The next day Avary was a whole new baby. She ate well. Her temperature was down. She was happy. Mat and I on the other hand - were a mess. No shower. No clean clothes. Luckily my sister Mindy brought Cafe Rio, so at least we were well fed. The doctors updated us on Avary's status - and confirmed what we had already noticed -she was doing great. At this point they figured that meningitis was never the culprit, but possibly a much milder, non life-threataning ailment - acid reflux. "Great! Let's go home!" But no. They insisted that the best thing to do would be to finish out the rounds of IV medication that had already been started. Once again, we agreed to the doctors sugeestion, but told them that we would love to be released as soon as possible - given that the next day was Thanksgiving. They assured us we would be sent home first thing in the morning. After a long night in a tiny chair (Mat and I switched) morning finally came. Every doctor, nurse, orderly, or custodian that dare enter our tiny room was hounded with the same question - Can we leave yet?! Hours passed. We kept hearing the same thing. Soon.
By 4pm I was very annoyed. My daughter was fine. She had completed all doses of medication hours earlier. We had already missed out on visiting Mat's Grandparents in Logan, we didn't want to miss dinner with my family too. I was ready to unhook Avary myself and walk out. (Let me just confirm here - I obviously wouldn't have felt this way if Avary was actually sick and needed medical attention) Luckily -for her sake- the next nurse to enter our room was there to discharge us. We made it home just in time for dinner.
A few days later, we made the trip to Logan to introduce Avary to her GG Jack and GG Mae.
11.8 one month old - 11.17 blessing - 11.20 menengitis scare - 11.21 weighed 11.82 lbs and was 23.8 in long -
11.22 first thanksgiving - 11.25 met gg jack & gg mae
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